Defensive Coverage against Internet Attacks
Migrate from Internet-provided DNS services to EDDI and increase your company’s protection while meeting CMMC requirements. All at no cost to Industry.
*EDDI Open offers basic DNS-over-HTTPS connectivity to a private DNS service for any endpoint. Not at systems may be compatible. **FIPS cryptographic mode of operation is optional for EDDI Open and should be analyzed if needed due to performance limitations. Please see the FAQs for details.
Simply point your internet gateway to EDDI’s services instead of Google’s, Cloudflare’s, your Internet Service Provider, or similar.
EDDI’s DNS services housed within FedRAMP-compliant clouds with full DNSSEC name resolution.
EDDI Premium
Premium options include zero-trust access options, the ability to work securely from anywhere, and increased management.
Ultimate risk mitigation options intended for server and transport environments with advanced CM processes already in place.
Enhanced DNS and Defense for Industry (EDDI)
is the only recursive DNS provider built by and exclusively for U.S. federal, state, and local government contractors.
If your organization is a United States based and approved entity with a CAGE code and DUNS number, you are eligible for EDDI and its cloud-based network security services at no-cost.
Optional premium features will be available in late 2021.
EDDI is available for those who serve the defense, intelligence, and civilian government services. Organizations that do not provide services or solutions for government cannot utilize EDDI’s services, helping to ensure the integrity of the service for the community.